domestic abuse

Washington Domestic Violence Defense Attorneys

Domestic violence isn’t something that any person should have to deal with on their own. At Feldman & Lee PS, we help victims of domestic violence obtain orders of protection to prevent further harm or fear of injury. Our domestic violence law firm will assist you throughout the filing of the petition and help you and your family feel safe at home again.

Areas Our Domestic Violence Lawyers Serve

Feldman & Lee PS represents victims of domestic abuse in Everett, Lynnwood, and Kent. From these office locations we can help any victim or accused of domestic violence. Our domestic violence attorneys in Washington will commit to the protection of your rights, help secure a protective order against your abuser, and ensure no further harm comes to you and your family. On the other hand, if you have been called to court for a domestic violence charge that you feel is incorrect, our domestic violence defense lawyers are also available to assist you.

Defining Domestic Violence in Washington State

Per Washington State and our experienced domestic violence law firm, the phrase domestic violence refers to “physical harm, assault, bodily injury, or the infliction of fear of imminent bodily injury, assault, or physical harm between family or household members; (b) sexual assault of one family or household member by another; or (c) stalking.”

Around 15% of adults in Washington State have experienced some form of domestic violence in their lifetime. Additionally, 1 in 8 adults report having been injured by an intimate partner, and more than 1 in 6 10th graders have been coerced into unwanted sexual activity.

If you or your children have suffered sexual or physical harm or have been threatened with abuse, you can seek protection via a Protection Order with the help of a qualified domestic violence lawyer.

A domestic violence protection order can be obtained when the abused person and the abusive person:

  • Are related by blood or marriage
  • Have child(ren) in common
  • Are current or former spouses or domestic partners
  • Currently reside together or previously resided together
  • Have an established dating relationship and are 16 years of age or older
  • Have a biological or legal step-parent or step-child relationship

What a domestic violence protection order covers

A domestic violence protection order can restrain the respondent from:

  • Residing in the family home
  • Causing sexual or physical harm to you or your children
  • Stalking, harassing, molesting, or threatening you or your children
  • Interfering with your care or custody of minor children
  • Removing your children from Washington State

It may also provide protection for your pet(s).

A domestic violence protection order, however, cannot:

  • Order or establish child support payment
  • Legally designate property to either party
  • Establish permanent child custody
  • Accord permanent use of the family home

These issues must be settled in separate court actions.

Violations & Penalties

Violation of a protection order in Washington State may result in severe penalties, including mandatory arrest, a $5,000 fine, and up to one year in jail. If the violation involved assault or reckless endangerment, the abuser may be convicted of a Class C felony. However, those who believe that a domestic violence claim or protection order levied against them is illegitimate can additionally seek to protect themselves with the help of a domestic violence defense lawyer from Feldman & Lee.

The Importance of Getting Legal Counsel Now

If you are seeking a protective order against domestic violence, the court will require evidence showing you have been harmed or have received threats of being harmed again.

Our Washington domestic violence lawyers can assist in gathering tangible evidence, including medical records, police reports, and/or eyewitness testimony, to help demonstrate to the court that you and your children were victimized by a domestic abuser.

Likewise, we will help you file the necessary paperwork at your county courthouse and advise you on other ways of protecting your family and assets now and well into the future.

Feldman & Lee: Your Reliable Domestic Violence Law Firm

If you or your children have suffered due to domestic violence, it’s important to know that legal protections are available to you now.

Feldman & Lee PS can help you get the order of protection necessary and fight for the safety and wellbeing of you and your family. If you already have a protection order in place, our domestic violence lawyers can provide you with the aggressive representation needed at any hearings or communications with your abuser.

Additionally, if you have been falsely accused of domestic abuse or have a protection order filed against you, our domestic violence defense lawyers can help you determine the best way to proceed. We have:

  • 40+ Years of Experience – We continue to provide top-notch legal counsel to countless clients throughout Kent, Lynnwood, and Everett.
  • Meticulous & Trustworthy Counsel – Our domestic violence law firm and team of attorneys take the time to understand your unique situation and take a strategic approach so you can immediately seek protection.
  • Outstanding Courtroom Representation – Should your case go to trial, you can trust us to provide the comprehensive representation and strategic solutions that meet your immediate and future needs.

Hire a Domestic Violence Lawyer to Take Legal Action Now

In many domestic violence cases, a protective order may be the most effective solution to help restore your peace of mind and feeling of security. Our domestic violence lawyers at Feldman & Lee will work to give you that and help you move on to the next phase of your life.

While it may feel impossible to stand up to your abuser, retaining an experienced domestic violence lawyer can help you find the confidence to leave a toxic, abusive relationship and safeguard yourself and your family from further harm.

The team at Feldman & Lee will help you pursue a protective order immediately to avoid further stressful situations during this difficult time in your life.

Protect Yourself with a Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer

If you feel you’ve been wrongly accused of domestic violence, then it’s always a good idea to have an experienced attorney by your side to defend you.

At Feldman & Lee PS, our firm and our domestic violence defense lawyers are committed to defending those who have been improperly accused of committing domestic violence when they were attempting to defend themselves or their family’s wellbeing. We can also assist you with matters involving divorce, separation, child custody, and child support.

If you’re in a situation where you require assistance fighting against illegitimate domestic violence charges, contact the team of knowledgeable domestic violence defense lawyers at Feldman & Lee. We will guide you through the legal process and stand up for you in court so you can effectively transition to the next phase of your life.

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